Various Container Adapters

Wide Selection of Adapters Compatible with Various Containers.

There is also a wide selection of adapters compatible with various containers, such as disposable cups, stainless containers, paper containers, syringes, barrels, glass bottles, and centrifuging tubes.

Recommended for these cases where:

· We want to keep container costs low!
· We want to use designated containers for the next process!
· We want to mix small amounts!

Advantages of Using Other Containers

  1. We want to keep container costs low!

    Adapters compatible with disposable containers (disposable cups, paper cups, etc.,) are best suited from container cleaning and other cost aspects.

  2. We want to use designated containers for the next process!

    If air bubbles are mixed in adhesive, solder paste, and others beforehand, they cannot be discharged uniformly. With use of compatible adapters, materials in syringes can be set to a dispenser as they are after defoaming.

  3. We want to mix small amounts!

    There are cases where the mixing efficiency may deteriorate somewhat if the amounts of materials to be mixed are too small with respect to containers.
    Therefore, it is best to use containers according to the amounts of materials to be mixed.

Custom-order Adapter Fabrication Flow

  • Inform us of the machine you want to use and the container model number by your manufacturer.
    In addition, supply of one sample container would be appreciated.

  • The supplied sample container will be included in the delivery along with the adapter.

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Introduction Examples

We want to uniformly disperse different types of powder in a base material. We want to defoam high-viscosity gels without applying temperature. Mixing and defoaming with near-zero contamination! Uniform Dispersion of Titanium Oxide, etc.Defoamin… We want to defoam small amounts of samples for research and development applications. Mixing and defoaming even with amounts as small as 1cc or 2cc! Mixing and defoaming small amounts of samples in v… We want to process one batch in a 1L size at a time. Suitable for medium capacity! Covered by medium size. Quick high-precision dispe… We want to perform dispersing, defoaming, and separating with one unit. Multiple Processes Resolved with One Unit! Carbon materials can be dispersed and defoamed wit… We want to defoam while in syringes Powerful centrifugal × vacuum defoaming! Air bubbles having entered syringes are defoamedAd… We want to uniformly disperse fillers and resins having different specific gravities, without significantly increasing the temperatures of materials. Suppression of heat generated during dispersion! Uniform dispersion of resins + fillers (diamond, g… Although mixing can be performed by the current method, air bubbles are generated and several hours are required for the bubbles to dissipate. Substantial improvement in work efficiency! Defoaming of high-viscosity paints performed in a … We want to continue using designated bottles for mass production Compatible with customer-designated containers! High-precision uniform dispersion at a mass-produc…

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