Comparison with other methods

Vacuum degassing machine

[Advantages and disadvantages]

  • Mixing is impossible.
  • Due to the rise of the surface level of the liquid, the liquid may spill out.
  • High viscosity materials take time to degas and it is difficult to degas the bottom part.
  • Precise degassing take time and operation efficiency is poor.
  • The material volatilization makes it degrease materials.
  • Depending on the material, the composition may change.


[Advantages and disadvantages]

  • Mixing is impossible.
  • Materials with different specific gravities occurs separation.
  • In case of high viscosity materials, it may remain fine bubble.
  • Material throughput is small.

Comparison with other degassing methods

Method Revolution and rotation method
Vacuum machine Centrifuge
Degassing ◎ Centrifugal degassing + vacuum ○ Vacuum ○ Centrifugal degassing
Degassing time ◎ Short △ Long ◎ Short
Viscosity ◎ Low to high viscosities ◎ Low to medium viscosities △ Low viscosities only
Generation of heat △ Some generation of heat ◎ No generation of heat △ Some generation of heat
Compatible with syringes ○ Usable from 3 cc to 360 cc
(depending on the model)
△ Level at which there is an effect ○ Depends on the model
Work efficiency ◎ Timer × Visual observation required ◎ Timer